And the credits role.
“Tim Robbins? Whip Hubley? Is that Kurt Russell‘s kid?”
Danger Zone music is starting.
He had to look up Whip Hubley.
Uh oh, Bogies!
“What the hell, Strickland is in here too? He was doing good in 1985/86” (“Back to the Future” was on earlier)
“Goose is going to die.”
Maverick is talking in his freaked out colleague. He is so soothing.
“Bet they can’t smoke on the ship no more.”
Maverick on his motorcycle.
“You’d think as a pilot he’d know safety and wear a helmet.”
“Pretty comfortable looking classroom chairs.”
He knows who Iceman is and that Goose dies from “Meet That Parents”.
Failed attempt to pick up Kelly McGillis with “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling.”
“Is this before Tom Cruise got his teeth fixed?”
Is Iceman’s hair regulation? That is some high eighties hair.
Maverick is dangerous. He was below the hard deck. He isn’t supposed to do that stuff.
He promises not to let Goose down.
More banter with Kelly McGillis. She doesn’t date students.
Beach volleyball! No shirts! It must be hot. They are very sweaty.
“We go from being so hot we have our shirts on to wearing a leather jacket?”
He didn’t even take a shower? He asks to take a shower at Charlie’s house? That is a ballsy move.
Lots of emotional talk. Maverick is an orphan. Now he takes a shower.
“Wipe the sweat off your face Tom.”
Maverick is in trouble for making mistakes with a $30 million dollar plane.
“Why are they all worried about the price of a plane.”
Charlie has fallen for Maverick.
“Slow love. He‘s licking her teeth. Lower the dynamite Maverick!”
More dog fighting. Maverick is in second place for Top Gun. But there are no points for second place.
He’s Hollywood’s wingman but he left him to go after Viper. That was stupid.
Anthony Edwards is so funny in this movie.
Men in towels. Iceman telling Maverick he is dangerous again.
Great Balls of Fire! Meg Ryan being adorable.
Flying with Iceman as his wingman. This will be ugly.
They are losing their engines. They are losing control! They’re in a flat spin!
“Here’s where Goose dies.” Very sad.
Maverick is blaming himself.
“They don’t dwell on Goose dying. What about Meg Ryan and the little kid?”
Maverick is packing up Goose’s stuff. Meg Ryan is comforting Maverick? That is terrible.
Maverick isn’t at fault for the accident that killed Goose. He can fly again.
He’s in the air but not doing well.
He is scared. Too careful.
“He needs a good woman to turn him around. A woman that knows something about flying.”
Iceman offering condolences.
Maverick quit!
Kelly McGillis wants to help. But Maverick doesn’t want help.
Tom Skerritt is giving classified information about his father. But he isn’t going to blow sunshine up his butt.
Iceman is Top Gun.
They need help right away!
Going into battle. Maverick has Goose’s dog tags.
Iceman’s in trouble! Send Maverick to help!
Is Maverick running away? Iceman has five Migs on his tail!
Maverick to the rescue!
He’s not leaving his wingman!
They did it!
Iceman and Maverick are friends now.
Maverick throws Goose’s dog tags in the ocean.
“He wouldn’t do that. They got him through it.”
Husband called the final song.
“She looks a lot older in the movie than she does in the poster.”
“There, I’ve seen Top Gun.”
A dismissive wave.
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