"New Moon"
"Twilight" ended with the prom. Edward and Bella are so happy and in love. There is a little foreshadowing about the wolves descending and then we see a Victoria leaving the scene.
New Moon starts on Bella's 18th birthday. She is stressed because she is officially older than her boyfriend. She wakes from a dream of seeing her old self being wished a happy birthday by the still young and hot Edward.

Soon she is at a birthday party at the Cullen house. Now, I have had a paper cut. I have had paper cuts that are deep and painful. I have never bleed from a paper cut.
How can Jasper be at school all day? There is blood at school a lot. I used to get nose bleeds after gym class on a pretty regular basis. Bleeding or puking was the only reason that my World History teacher would accept to get a bathroom pass. I got the pass a lot.
This scares Edward and soon the family is taking off to parts unknown. Bella is so distraught she lies down in the forest and doesn't get up, even after dark.
So then we get a time passing montage of Bella listening to sad music and sitting in her chair watching time pass and in her bed crying out in apparent pain.
In the book we get a bunch of pages with a month on them and then to the story.
She soon discovers that she can "see" Edward if she does stupid things and since we need to see Robert Pattinson, she does a lot of stupid things.
Then she buys some old motorcycles and brings Jacob back into the story.
I said yesterday that Robert Pattinson was old enough looking that I didn't feel like a pedophile. Taylor Lautner is a little young. My sister was asking me if I thought he was hot.
"He is sixteen!"
"So? He's still hot."
My sister has two daughters, I have one son. Maybe that is the difference.
We find out that Jacob is a werewolf.
Edward tries to kill himself by taking off his shirt when he thinks Bella is dead.
We meet the legendary Volturi.
It ends with a vote among the Cullens for Bella to be a vampire and then a proposal.
Tomorrow we will see "Eclipse" and finally on Friday the new movie. Almost there.
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