So I am making excuses. But I want to post something movie related everyday. So here goes.
My favorite movie snack is popcorn.
My favorite movie candy is a tie and depends on my mood. I love Raisinets and Milk Duds.
My husband likes to go to a movie and smuggle in Chik-Fil-A.
I used to have a big old Coca Cola with my movie snacks.
Since I caught the diabetes I get a big old water. (And I don't get the candy. Much.)
I like the new theaters that have the armrests that go up and have drink holders. Every once in a while we to go to one of the older theaters and miss these features. It is a comfort thing.
So, these are things I like about going to the movies. It is a fun. It should be fun. There is something about sitting in the dark, no phones (FOR EVERYONE! COME ON PEOPLE TURN THEM OFF!) and getting lost in the story. So, as my schedule is messed up, and I am still finishing my Stephen King book, this week will be a little odd. But I will still post daily. I am committed!
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