Thursday, November 17, 2011

"Eclipse" 2010


So, we ended "New Moon" with a few little cliffhangers. 

Jacob is in love with Bella.

(Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a picture of this boy with a shirt on?)

Bella wants to become a vampire so she can be with Edward forever.

Edward wants her to marry him before he'll turn her into a vampire.

But we start the movie finally getting back to Victoria and her vendetta against Edward.  She is creating an army to take out Bella and all the Cullens.

(I don't like that they recast this.  I think Rachelle Lefevre was better, more menacing).

But the real point of this film is the love triangle.

In the movie, to me anyway, there is never any doubt who Bella will choose.  The book is a little more vague, expressing Bella's thoughts and confusions.

There is a battle scene, which wasn't in the book and the final confrontation with Victoria and Bella has to break Jacob's heart.

The finally we get Bella's acceptance and we are ready for the wedding! 

Tomorrow I am hitting the theaters early.  Watch for my review!

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