Season 1: "The One Where Underdog Gets Away" Episode 9
The first Thanksgiving episode and everyone has to come up with their own Thanksgiving plans. Ross and Monica’s parents leave town, Phoebe doesn’t celebrate till December. Rachel wants to join her parents for a ski weekend but can’t afford it and Chandler hates Thanksgiving. But the best reason is Joey. After doing a modeling job, his picture starts showing up all over the city. The only problem with this? They are public service advertisements for venereal disease. So his family thinks he has syphilis.
But one of my favorite parts of this episode is how everyone manages to guilt Monica into making potatoes their way.
Joey: Hey, Mon. I have a question... I don't see any tater tots.
Monica: That's not a question.
Season 2: "The One with the List" Episode 8
This one is not a traditional Thanksgiving that would come later but it does introduce us to Mockolate. Monica is hired to turn Thanksgiving into the Mockolate holiday. She makes a few recipes, using as little Mockolate as possible.
[Phoebe has a taste of "Mockolate"]
Phoebe: Oh, sweet Lord! This is what evil must taste like!
Season 3: "The One with the Football" Episode 9
After watching television and waiting for the turkey to finish cooking, they decide to play a friendly game of touch football.
[Playing Football]
Monica: Okay, Phoebs, you know what you're doing right?
Phoebe: Yeah.
Monica: Okay, Joey's gonna catch the ball and you and I are gonna block.
Phoebe: What's block?
Monica: Phoebe, I thought you said you knew what you're doing.
Phoebe: I thought you meant in life.
It brings out the competitive edge in Ross and Monica. It is great.
Season 4: "The One with Chandler in a Box" Episode 8
Monica has to see an eye doctor and it is her ex’s son. She accepts a date but is teased constantly by her friends and finally blows up that them.
Monica: Fine! Judge all you want to but,
[points to Ross]
Monica: married a lesbian,
[points to Rachel]
Monica: left a man at the altar,
[points to Phoebe]
Monica: fell in love with a gay ice dancer,
[points to Joey]
Monica: threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire,
[points to the box Chandler's in]
Monica: live in a box!
Chandler is in a box to beg for Joey’s forgiveness. So we don’t see much more than his finger.
Season 5: "The One with All the Thanksgivings" Episode 8
After dinner they friends start reminiscing about their most memorable Thanksgivings. Monica’s go back to meeting Chandler when Ross brought him home from college. We see Rachel’s old nose, Fat Monica and some really bad Ross and Chandler hair.
Rachel: You know what we should do? We should play that game where everybody says what they're thankful for.
Joey: Oh. I should be thankful for the wonderful fall we've been having.
Everybody: YEAH.
Joey: I remember one day I was at the bus stop and this cool fall breeze came blowing out of nowhere and totally lifted this chick's skirt. Oh. And I'm also thankful for thongs.
Season 6: "The One Where Ross Got High" Episode 9
Monica’s parents are at Thanksgiving and don’t know she is living with Chandler. They don’t like him because Ross told them that the pot they found in his room was his. Joey and Ross want to go to a drunken dancer’s party but can’t leave until after dessert. Rachel has a twist on the traditional English trifle that will be hard to swallow.
Rachel: (looking at her trifle) Look at it, isn’t it beautiful?
Ross: Yeah, yeah, what is it?
Rachel: It’s a trifle. It’s got all of these layers. First there’s a layer of ladyfingers, then a layer of jam, then custard, which I made from scratch, [Joey and Ross make impressed faces] then raspberries, more ladyfingers, then beef sauteed with peas and onions, [Joey and Ross look like something’s wrong.] then a little more custard, and then bananas, and then I just put some whipped cream on top!
[Joey and Ross make confused faces.]
Ross: W-What was the one right before bananas?
Rachel: The beef? Yeah, that was weird to me, too. But then, y’know, I thought “well, there’s mincemeat pie,” I mean that’s an English dessert, these people just put very strange things in their food, y’know. [To Joey] Oh! by the way, can I borrow some Rum from your place?
Joey: Y-sure!
Rachel: (teasingly) And while I’m gone don’t you boys sneak a taste.
Joey and Ross: (faking dissapointment) Okay.
Season 7: "The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs" Episode 8
This episode has one of my favorite quotes. Classic Joey.
Joey: [about Rachel's assistant, Tag] If he doesn't like you, then this is all just a moo point.
Rachel: Huh. A moo point?
Joey: Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's "moo".
Rachel: Have I been living with him for too long, or did that all just make sense?
I also like it that Ross, who loves pontificating about how smart he is can’t name all fifty states.
Season 8: "The One with the Rumor" Episode 9
This one has Brad Pitt, who happened to be married to Jennifer Aniston at the time. I don’t know if you knew they were married. Shocker right?
Brad plays an old high school friend who comes to Thanksgiving. It brings up a lot of old rivalries.
Rachel: The "I Hate Rachel Green Club"? Who was in this club?
Will: Me and Ross...
Ross: There's no need to point; she knows who Ross is.
Rachel: Ross! Who else?
Ross: Well, there was that exchange student from Thailand, but I don't think he really understand what it was.
Rachel: [to Monica] Did you know about this?
Monica: I swear I didn't know. Wait a minute; is that why the two of you used to go into your room and lock the door?
Ross: [ashamed] Uh, yes.
Monica: Gotta tell you; that's a relief.
This brings out an old rumor that Rachel didn’t know about.
Monica: [about the rumor Will and Ross started about her in high school] Rachel, everybody in school heard the rumor.
Rachel: You knew and you didn't tell me!
Monica: Well, I was afraid it might be true, you'd cry and then show it to me!
Chandler: Wait a minute, we heard that rumor in my high school! You were the hermaphrodite cheerleader from Long Island?
Season 9: "The One with Rachel's Other Sister" Episode 8
Rachel’s sister shows up when her Thanksgiving plans fall through. She decides that if something were to happen to Ross and Rachel, she could raise Emma. They have to explain what their plan is, which is having Monica and Chandler raise Emma.
Amy: Ok, how about this? If you guys die, and the crazy plate lady dies then do I get the baby?
Chandler Bing: No, if crazy plate lady... if Monica dies then I would get Emma, right?
Rachel: Well, actually...
Chandler Bing: Actually, what?
Ross: It's just that in that case then Emma would go to my parents.
Chandler Bing: What?
Amy: [to Chandler] Hurts, doesn't it?
Joey: Who has to die for me to get her?
Season 10: "The One with the Late Thanksgiving" Episode 8
Everyone guilts Monica into making Thanksgiving dinner and then ends up being late. Ross and Joey go to a hockey game and Rachel and Phoebe take Emma to a baby beauty pageant. In retaliation, Monica and Chandler lock them out.
There are great moments in the hallway where they try to finagle their way in. They finally break down the door.
It ends happily when Monica takes a call and finds out that they have been chosen to adopt a baby.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. If you can't be with your family, spend it with some "Friends".
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