I will talk about the Oscars when that starts. I enjoy the atmosphere of the Golden Globes. It is more casual, they are sitting around tables and getting slightly toasted. You see random people talking to each other and wonder why.
I like Ricky Gervais as the host. He is unexpected and bitingly funny.
But the biggest part is that it is a pretty good predictor of who will be running in the Oscar race. So I can start to see some of the movies that might come up in January.
I will focus on the Drama nominees. I do believe that they should have a Comedy/Musical catergory in the Oscars, but I will save that too.
"The Descendants"
I love George Clooney. I have really enjoyed Alexander Payne's other movies. "About Schmidt", "Sideways". "Election" is hilarious and even "Citizen Ruth" was interesting and star studded. I will probably watch this soon. It is on a pretty limited but is showing here. Maybe my next day off.
"The Help"
I saw this movie the week it came out. It is great. It is a wonderful adaptation and extremely well cast. I am glad it is in the running and wasn't written off as a chick flick. It has also made me nervous about chocolate pie. See this movie if you haven't.
I really have no desire to see this movie. Big cast, Martin Scorsese, but just can't find the desire. I guess if it actually gets nominated for an Oscar, I will break down and see it.
"The Ides Of March"
I saw it when it came out for this precise reason. Click above to read my review.
Brad Pitt, good. Robin Wright, Princess Buttercup/Jenny, good. Jonah Hill, for what I am assuming is comic relief. It comes to DVD on January 10th. I can squeeze it in on before the awards that weekend.
"War Horse"
Ugh. I know it is Spielberg. I know it is all epic looking. The horse is a hero and all that. But I just don't want to see it. If it is nominated for an Oscar, I don't know if I'll see it.
So, I've only seen two so far. I like "The Help" best so far. We'll see how the other go.
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