Nothing is coming to mind. To IMDB!
Scroll the front page.
It’s Kelly Preston’s birthday.
Forty-nine? Really? She looks good for forty-nine.
She was born in Hawaii.
Get focused! She was in “Christine”? I can’t do Christine, I am saving my King stuff for the week of Halloween. I don’t remember her in Christine though. Her character’s name is Roseanne? No clue, probably some cheerleader or something.
Stop. Move on.
She was in “Experts”. Is that even on DVD? The trivia says that is how she met John Travolta.
My husband wants a seaside picture to enter some contest for Red Lobster. I remind him that he can look at the pictures on my computer since we have a network.
“But you are better at picking pictures.” Which is code for “I don’t want to do it.”
It goes both ways. I say “Let’s just go look.” Which is code for “We are going to spend a lot of money.”
After 23 years together we know these things about each other.
Couldn’t find a seaside picture. But now I want Red Lobster. They have an Admiral’s Platter that is huge, with shrimp, clams, scallops, and fish. Fries and coleslaw. Mmmm.
What’s for dinner? Leftovers. That is what I get for hating grocery stores and not enjoying cooking. I am at my husband’s mercy.
Back on task. IMDB.
Ayre Gross. Whatever happened to that guy?
He’s on TV. No shows I watch. Good to know he’s making a living.
“Minority Report”? Oh yeah, he was that guy at the beginning that is going to kill his wife and her lover.
It’s set in 2054. So 43 years until we get those cars. I will be 85 then. Will I still be driving then? I hope I am one of those cranky old women that embarrasses her child even if he is 65 years old.
Tom Cruise has kind of a creepy smile. It is too white or something.
I’ve done too many Tom Cruise movies for only three months of blogs. Need to pick something else.
Husband just switched from baseball to “Family Guy”. Peter is fighting a giant chicken. Haha.
Need a movie! Come on! OK.
“Eyes Wide Shut”. Don’t have that DVD. Only watched it once. Maybe something by Nicole Kidman?
Seriously, she was born in Hawaii too?
“Malice”. What a good bad movie! Also don’t have that DVD. And I just wrote about Alec Baldwin. Although there is that great moment where he says he is God. Did you catch when he ranted about that as Jack Donaughy on “30 Rock”? It was great!
Stop it!!!! You need a movie!!!
Anne Bancroft and George C. Scott were in that movie too? That is crazy.
And my movie star nemesis Gwyneth Paltrow. Ugh. Oh yeah she is a victim of a serial killer/custodian. So that is alright. You’d think that a custodian would have a hard time getting caught. He’d clean up really well, don’t you think?
“Sliding Doors” Gwyneth with a British accent. Get away from Gwyneth! She is evil and eats macrobiotic foods.
Google macrobiotic foods. Barley tea? How do you make that?
Get back to the movies! You will never get this darn thing written.
Jeanne Tripplehorn is in that movie too. She was in “The Firm” with Tom Cruise. She was born in Oklahoma. And she was on “Big Love” about the polygamists.
There are times I think it would be nice to have a sister wife. But I want one that loves to clean and is independently wealthy and would like to stay home while my husband and I do some traveling. And she couldn’t do “stuff” with my husband.
Son just called. On the way home. Isn’t it nice that he checks in to see if we need anything?
She was on the “Ben Stiller Show.” Never saw it.
Didn’t I just do a Ben Stiller movie? Sure did, “Along Came Polly” couple of days ago. Then Phillip Seymour Hoffman as a follow up. Too close. This isn’t a theme week. Maybe I should do a theme.
No, can’t start a theme on a Thursday. It will confuse me.
I give up. Do you see why I often just ask my husband or son to grab one off the shelf to force me to write about it.
This is just a glimpse of the demented mind that brings you this blog. Hope I didn’t scare too many of you away.
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