I saw “Se7en” in the ideal way which is without any preconceived notions. My husband had gotten a preview pass from work. I had no idea what the movie was about. All I knew was that it starred Brad Pitt. My husband had no interest on hitting a movie on a week night since he gets up pretty early, so I emailed a friend. This was a movie buddy. She may be even crazier than me about movies. Her family will go to the theater for the first matinee and keep going until the last show lets out. She is my hero.
We were already planning on getting together that night. I was trying to get more fit. We had decided to dust off our YMCA membership cards and go walk the track. I had my tennis shoes in the car and everything. So I shot her an email.
My email:
I have passes to a Brad Pitt movie tonight. So we can get together and sweat, or go to the Y. What do you think?
Her response:
Brad Pitt!
So we went to the movie. From the opening I knew it was unlike any movie I’d seen before Seeing the huge man laying dead at the table, having eaten himself to death was incredible.
I was pleasantly surprised to see Morgan Freeman who I’d loved in “Shawshank Redemption” the year before. (Yes, I am still planning on writing about Shawshank). He was great as the world weary detective, William Somerset, working reluctantly on his final case. The world has dragged him down and he looks forward to getting away from the dismal unnamed city.
William Somerset: Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part.
Brad Pitt was perfect as David Mills, the brash young detective that comes into his new job ready to conquer the world. He has a pretty wife and that great sick cop humor.
David Mills: C'mon, he's insane. Look. Right now he's probably dancing around in his grandma's panties, yeah, rubbing himself in peanut butter.
I have expressed my ongoing dislike for Gwyneth Paltrow. This movie was prior to her undeserved Oscar win for “Shakespeare in Love” so my full on hate hadn’t developed. But in the years since, I have always enjoyed the ending of the movie just a little too much.
And finally, Kevin Spacey. I love, love, love Kevin Spacey. He is awesome as John Doe. That wry little grin that is hiding a deep cavern of secrets.
John Doe: Realize detective, the only reason that I'm here right now is that I wanted to be.
David Mills: No, no, we would have got you eventually.
John Doe: Oh really? So, what were you doing? Biding your time? Toying with me? Allowing five innocent people to die until you felt like springing your trap? Tell me, what was the indisputable evidence you were going to use on me right before I walked up to you and put my hands in the air?
This movie is incredible. I remember when it came to video and I was selling it for the movie distributor, I had talked it up for weeks. One of the ladies in the office watched and just complained. Her major complaint? She had to turn the brightness up on her television because it was too dark.
I just read an interview with Brad Pitt and he talked about this movie. He had two stipulations when he made this movie. He had to kill John Doe. And it had to be Gwyneth’s head in the box.
I knew I loved Brad Pitt for a reason.
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