“Independence Day”
Russel Casse: All right, you alien a$$holes! In the words of my generation: Up Yours!
President Thomas Whitmore: Good luck, buddy!
Russel Casse: Ha-ha-ha! Hello, boys! I'm back!
[His plane explodes, destroying the alien ship]
This was the movie that launched Will Smith as the go to guy for the Fourth of July weekend. He dominated the next few years and became a blockbuster star. Up to that point he had his little rap career and a television show based on his rap.
This movie first came to my attention when I was in Nashville for a convention. I was working for a movie distributor and the studios used to put on a party and show us advance trailers. The movie had been teased during the Super Bowl, but we were getting to see the first real trailer. It was great and we couldn’t wait for it to come out.
When it did, they had an advance screening for us. My husband wasn’t interested so I called my sister-in-law to see if she wanted to go. She didn’t want to but her husband was pumped so he went. We settled into our seats and it was great. It had all the elements of the great disaster/invasion movies. A noble president, a geek with the answer, a hero and a crazy guy that inexplicably saves the day.
A friend from work got so excited during the autopsy scene that when the alien jumped she squeezed her soda and sprayed three aisles with Coke.
This movie also inspired my husband and I to add a code to our family dialogue. Will Smith in many movie trailers has a moment when he sees something and announces “Oh Hell No”.
We had gone to Vegas and to slow down the drain of our pocketbook, we went to a movie. There was a trailer for a Will Smith movie in which he utters that trademark line. It inspired us. You see, Vegas is a place in which many people dress differently than their everyday life. I haven’t figured out where the store is, but I am pretty sure there is a “Sluts R Us” store in Vegas. Probably a whole chain.
It must be in Vegas because I never see these outfits at the airport. After the movie, we were walking back to the casino and saw a interesting character. She was taking full advantage of the “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas” mantra. She sparkled, she shimmered, and parts of her body better left hidden were exposed for all to see. My husband looked and gave me a sideway glance.
“Look, it’s Will Smith.” He grinned.
“Oh Hell No”.
And it was perfect.
So now we see Will Smith everywhere. He is at the fair, at the mall, and he practically lives at Walmart.
Watch the movie. It is also really good.
Captain Steven Hiller: [talking to the unconscious alien he's dragging] Y'know, this was supposed to be my weekend off, but noooo. You got me out here draggin' your heavy a$$ through the burnin' desert with your dreadlocks stickin' out the back of my parachute. You gotta come down here with an attitude, actin' all big and bad...
Captain Steven Hiller: and what the hell is that smell?
[starts kicking the alien, yelling]
Captain Steven Hiller: I could've been at a barbecue!
[kicks the alien one last time and calms down]
Captain Steven Hiller: But I ain't mad.
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