“Drop Dead Gorgeous”
This week’s theme, since last week’s theme forced me out of my comfort zone in a good way, is first films. I was looking at some current stars that seem to be everywhere. They all started somewhere.
Amy Adams first movie was “Drop Dead Gorgeous”. She plays Leslie Miller. Her character is an enthusiastic cheerleader madly in love with her football player boyfriend.
Leslie Miller: Oh yeah... really nervous... it's been about, 2 months. I haven't told my boyfriend yet. How did you know?
Leslie Miller: OH! You mean about the pageant! Yeah!
It is a fantastic mockumentary. It is set at the Mount Rose American Teen Princess Pageant. Minnesotan accents abound and the cast is wonderful.
This is one of those movies that has actors I don’t like but are so perfectly cast you have to love them.
Kirstie Alley is Gladys Leeman. She won the pageant years before and is determined that her daughter, Becky Ann will win this year’s. As the documentary crews film, we see how far she’ll go to make sure it happens. She is also running the pageant and this puts her in the unique position. She also picks the pageant theme every year.
Voice of Documentarian: So what was the theme of the pageant last year?
Gladys Leeman: Last year? It was, "Buy American."
Voice of Documentarian: And the year before that?
Gladys Leeman: "U.S.A. is A-okay."
Voice of Documentarian: Can you remember the theme of your favorite pageant?
Gladys Leeman: "Can I? I'm Amer-I-Can!" People ask me where I get this. I don't know, it's, maybe a gift from God or somethin'.
Becky Ann Leeman is played by Denise Richards. This is pre-Charlie Sheen days. Her character has been training for this pageant all her life.
[answering "If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?"]
Becky Ann Leeman: I'd have good strong roots in a town like Mt. Rose, a solid Christian trunk, and long, leafy branches to provide shade for handicapped kids on a hot summer day.
Amber Atkins is played by Kirsten Dunst. Amber is from the wrong side of the tracks, but she is a dreamer with the drive to make it happen.
Amber Atkins: Hi. I'm Amber Atkins, and I'm signing up cause uh my two favorite people in the whole world competed in pageants: my mom and Diane Sawyer... Course, I hope I end up a little more like Diane Sawyer than my mom.
Annette Atkins is played by Ellen Barkin with boozy delight. Her best friend, Lorretta is played by Allison Janney. They work together in hopes that Amber will realize her dream of being a TV news anchor. But their love of drink sometimes gets in the way.
Amber Atkins: My mom never hid the fact that my dad chose his career over us. What was it she always said?
Loretta: Once a carnie, always a carnie.
Amber Atkins: Mom still cries every time she sees a tilt-a-whirl or a fat lady in a tube top.
This movie is a wonderful dark comedy. You have exploding combines and trailers and finally a swan float that meets an ugly demise.
Becky Ann Leeman: [Becky is on the swan float] It smells funny. It smells like gasoline!
Gladys Leeman: So, what? Everything in Mexico smells that way.
Becky Ann Leeman: My dress will reek, Mother!
Gladys Leeman: I don't care. Your dad paid a pretty penny for this, so get you’re a$$ up there and show me some teeth!
[blows a kiss]
Gladys Leeman: Love ya, baby!
Amy Adams ends up as the second runner up in the doomed pageant.
Gladys Leeman: Our 2nd runner-up and winner of a $50 scholarship to the Vo-Tech of her choice is Leslie Miller.
Leslie Miller: OH MY GOD! I DID IT! 2ND runner up. I GOT 2ND PLACE!
Pat: Third.
Leslie Miller: Wha?
Pat: Third place you got third place.
Leslie Miller: No, I got-
[giggles & looks towards camera]
Leslie Miller: bye!
Which really is OK, considering the fate of the other contestants. Amber goes on to great things, but it is more by luck than anything else.
Loretta: What is wrong with you?
Amber Atkins: I don't know. I just didn't wanna win like this.
Loretta: You stop right there. You are a good person. Good things happen to good people.
Amber Atkins: Really?
Loretta: No. It's pure bull$hit, sweetie. You're lucky as hell, so you might as well enjoy it.
Amber Atkins: Okay.
A fun and funny movie with a dark center. You mix beauty pageants and murderous intent, what else are you going to get. I don't know many people who have seen it, so I don't want to give it all away. But I will say it was a great debut for Amy Adams.
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