Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolution!

This year I am resolving to Sharpen My Saw.

A few years ago I went to a training for work and they covered the Stephen Covey program.  This one stuck with me.  I was supposed to work on this but never really did.  But I never stopped thinking about it.  So I am going to make it my goal for the new year. 

The whole gist of it is to balance all parts of yourself to become the best version of yourself.  This past year has had a lot of ups and downs.  I am ready to make some changes.  So here is how I am going to do it.

Physical: Beneficial eating, exercising, and resting

I will walk 750 miles this year.  This works out to about 14.4 miles per week.  Just under 2 miles a day.  I still plan on running a 5K by the end of the summer.  I will also focus on eating better most of the time.  I am not going to call it a diet.  I will be realistic and just eat better.  I know myself.  The key thing is adding a salad and some veggies, eating more fruit. If I want the occasional cookie it is better to eat one and not bake three dozen.   

Social/Emotional: Making social and meaningful connections with others

I tend to be a homebody and if given the choice, I will sit home with my feet up watching Netflix.  I have good friends that I go months without seeing.  We had family over last night for New Year's Eve.  I will just connect with people more. 

Mental: Learning, reading, writing, and teaching.

I will get back in gear with my blogging.  I will commit to writing a post at least twice a week.  I hope I will do more, but again, I am trying to be realistic.  Reading is not a problem.  I love to read and now that I have both a Nook and a Kindle I can read a lot! 

Spiritual: Spending time in nature, expanding spiritual self through meditation, music, art, prayer, or service

To me the spiritual is the connecting with your inner self.   I grew to love the bike trail when I was walking through the end of summer and watching it turn to fall.  This surprised me because anyone that knows me knows I am not an outdoorsy girl.  But I loved the feeling of walking the trail, listening to some of my favorite songs and working up a sweat.  So the physical and spiritual will combine for me. 

I am not going to expect perfection.  I am a work in progress.  Here is to a great 2013!


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